Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Unlimited Wireless Internet for Home Key to Successful Work from Home Opportunities

Unlimited Wireless Internet for Home Key to Successful Work from Home Opportunities A growing number of Americans are leaving the confines of traditional work spaces in offices and factories and turning to telecommuting, and other remote work-from-home opportunities, to earn a living. According to statistics reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), nearly one in four workers in the United States did at least some of their work from home last year. A key factor that is driving this change in how Americans fulfill essential job duties and get work done is the increasing ease with which they can access high speed Internet to communicate with others and perform critical work tasks. Plans that offer unlimited wireless internet for home  make it economical, and easy, for workers to be in constant contact with their employers, vendors, and customers.  A good Internet service is about more than just great rates and coverage areas; if workers want to be able to successfully work from home, their Internet service must also be reliable.   There are other factors which can affect how successful a worker will be when they choose to telecommute. The following is a brief list of some basic essentials that workers need to have in order to make telecommuting efficient and effective. Hardware and Software Requirements While some employers will supply the necessary  equipment for their employees to work from home, freelancers, independent contractors, consultants and others must frequently supply their own computer and other equipment and supplies. Its tempting to try to save money by buying a used, older computer or laptop, but this usually isnt a good idea. Most remote workers need to have a computer with enough virtual memory and processing speed to run several programs at the same time. Software needs depend on the type of work performed. Most remote workers need a good word processing program and a program that can create spread sheets. A good Internet browser will be required in order to conduct research online. A great email client is critical for online communication. Security is a growing concern, so anti-virus software is also absolutely required to protect vital information. While some telecommuters are able to get by with just a landline or cellphone to stay in touch, others must make inbound and outbound calls to clients and colleagues, so Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) technology, as well as a headset, or speaker and microphone are required. These forms of telephony require a lot memory and other computer resources to run well, which further reinforces the need for telecommuters to have a newer, up-to-date computer system.   The need for storage and data backup systems is a key consideration that is often overlooked. While users can save information to their computers hard drive, or to an external hard disk, an increasing number of companies and workers are turning to the cloud to save important files and other data. In this way, information is protected against loss should the hard drive be destroyed by factors in the local environment, such as a flood or fire. Having a backup in the cloud makes it easier to get back up and running should data on the hard drive be lost or stolen.     Designate a Work Space To be productive while working from home, its important to designate a work space where users can focus and be free from distractions. For this reason, its not a good idea to set up a home office in a kitchen or living room. These rooms have too much traffic and other activities going on that disrupt concentration and interfere with getting work done.  Consider converting a bedroom or other unused space in the back of the home into an office. Remote workers must be disciplined in order to be able to succeed working from home. In addition to setting up an office in a quiet part of the home, telecommuters should set a schedule and let their friends and family know what hours they will be working in their office, and ask that they not be contacted during this time unless it is an absolute emergency in order to increase productivity. Functional, Safe, Ergonomically Friendly Furniture Telecommuters can increase their efficiency  effectiveness and comfort level by taking some care to design a home office that is both visually appealing and fully usable. Ideally, a home office will have a source of natural lighting, as well as a bright, artificial source to increase concentration and energy levels and avoid eyestrain. Great care must be taken when choosing ones desk, office chair and computer screen as well as smaller accessories such as armrests and the computer mouse. Its important to choose furniture and accessories that are safe, fully adjustable and ergonomically designed to reduce the chance of muscle strain or injury to the neck, back, shoulders, forearms and wrists. Invest in a sturdy desk as well as a comfortable chair that offers support for the lower and mid-back and whose height can be adjusted to prevent strain while working on the computer or completing other tasks. Staying organized is a key consideration for teleworkers, so keep work items in the designated work space, rather than strewn throughout the home. Save time and avoid the hassle of searching for important papers and other items by using bookshelves and filing cabinets to organize any papers or equipment necessary to complete work. Keep things interesting, and motivational, by hanging a few colorful prints on the wall. Plants can also stimulate the senses and improve the air quality within the office. Having a reliable Internet service, along with self-discipline, and a fully functional home office, are the keys to being able to work from home successfully. Title Image credit

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